Palatine lied in wavered grand jury testimony. The mayor's brother got me to sign the waver, meeting supreme court justice Anne Burke, attorney general, Madigan and cook county states attorney Alvarez and Devine approval along with 5'500 plus others. This also met State senator's Durbin, Obama and Burris approval. I contacted all senators. I hired 5 lawyers.
I contacted Schwantz, No one cares. 5 years later, how many similar events occurred, by this one cop? 2 cops? 3 cops? A entire police force? Every department in the entire village? Every village, every cop in the county? Every county in the State? Every state in the United States?

To all foreign visitors Welcome to every day life in America.
How come, obstruction of justice, a cover up, perjury, false documents, organized crime, terrorism, bribery, is not a equal opportunity punishment crime? Written law in reality meanswhat? Ethics or a judicial cannon means nothing to a lot of people.

My lawyer (the mayors brother), knew that the Palatine cop's report was false and that the cop's testimony was perjury. My Lawyer (the mayors brother) aided in the obstruction of justice. Mayor Mullins, Mayor Tatooles, Mayor Schwnatz got my "email", along with 5,500? others.

My lawyer was a judge Scotillo's law bar president. The judge ruled his x bar president, mayors brother, incompetent. Must have been part of the game. To look look important. If the judge rules a lawyer incompetent (before the trial began), I would think, I should have the right to get a lawyer that was competent. But it don't work that way, it's all a game playedon saps like you and me.

The office of the Cook County States attorney's office (Dick Devine), prosecutor Chandra and co prosecutor Andre, new before hand, the cops testimony was perjury and the police report was false. Did they all lie and mis led the grand jury?

I hired, lawyer # 1, (x president of the judges law bar, mayors brother), lawyer # 2 (governor of the judges law bar), lawyer #3 (maybe he is not a governor?), Lawyers # 4 and 5 (to do the appeal), lawyer # 6. None of them could tell Scotillo nor the mayors brother, nor the prosecutor, nor the cop, that they have made a mockery out of the criminal justice system. Or say, they should be ashamed of them selfs. They created a "you owe me" Scotillo. BesidesAlveraz is the matriarch of the Chicago bar and Scatillo's wife the matriarch of her law bar. If the judge tells you to threw a case or your not going to practice law, I guess a sleaze ball lawyer, has to obey.

I contacted every federal judge down town, every lawprofessor in Illinois, no body cares, but me? The law has no respect for the law. The government has no respect for the government.

The cops were high on drugs during court, or plain & simple, knew there were no penalties for his criminal conduct. The appellate court praised Scotillo for praising a cop (Wenrich) that lied to his face...... who's the fool?

The cop didn't know the color of my car, the road he's on, the town he's in, higher than a kite. All the other cops went along with it. Hunter was sitting right next to him (top state DUI cop, but could not tell Wenrich was tripping out of his mind, the surveillance video should prove this (I told Tatooles, but he didn't care). The shift commander? is now the Chief of Inverness. The chief I think was the one who's kid torturedsome one, into a false confession with Alveraz, Madigan, the mayor, village council, council of the council, village manager approval, shoot, it seems with every ones approval. Authorized human right violations. Obama and Durbin, didn't say any thing, i guess it's OK with them. Does it not make them accessories to torture? Madigan and the mayor of Palatine are for sale, call it a campaign contribution or a consulting fee. Blogo talks about it and goes to jail. Like I said in a post, blago should have beenMayor of Palatine.

I think email about a cover-up and obstruction of justice adds federal crimes, to the whole mix. But then, I contacted theFBI, they don't care also.

One of the village council members emailed me and said he don't like my blogs..... not going to change a thing, but don't like my blogs, same with the manager there has been email between the manager and village council. There were a few other return communications. with in the 5,500 emails.

a few visitors came from
this site and this site and this site

5 years go by, nothing changed, except more lies, false documents and perjury, if this ain't terrorism, organized crime, than what is? The Gov and his crime commission are accessories. Senator Obama nor Durbin cares, nor the 98 others. I contacted them all.

Just think, this crap, goes on every day, day in and day out, non stop. The damage to our society, our nation, the world, is incompressible. You think the village manager is clean?

I think it's important to be honest, truthful, respectful, to know right and wrong, to be kind to others, neighborly and helping others is a good thing. It seem, I'm just about the only one that thinks this way and I will keep thinking this way. Just because every one else is a crook, has no morals, dishonest, that don't mean I have to be or, the next guy.

This nonstop corruption of law, will be the death of the very society, which law is to protect. If you ask me, this is terrorism, organized crime.

What does a person do, to report a crime? Contact a cop? Contact the village council? Call the mayor? Contact theCounty states attorney? Contact a judge? Contact a federal judge? Contact the attorney general? Contact the gov? Contact a law school? Contact the senators? Contact the FBI?I CONTACTED THEM ALL and nothing. Most every thing I blog about is public information. You don't need to be a rocket scientist for the rest. A dirt bag is a dirt bag, Plain and simple.

The Palatine Police must have arrested 20,000 or more, people since my arrest. With village, prosecutors, and judicial approval of this disgraceful conduct, I wounder how many other crooked trials, perjured testimony? Just because a cop, States attorney and judge may choose to lie in court, it still don't make it right.
Village ordered perjury to grand jury

Palatine mayors Schwantz, Mullins and Tatooles, obstructed justice, KNOWINGLY allowing perjured testimony and false evidence from the Village of Palatine, Village council, Village police department to go before a Grand Jury.

With the ADDITIONAL approval of Alvarez, Madigan, Quinn, Scotillo, federal, state and county judges, law bars, law professors, and about 5500 others. Quinn's crime commission knew about this, Devine and Obama.


What kind of justice system is this? Every Untied States senator knows about this,


I don't think it is right and look what happens to me.

Schwantz and his goon squad of cops

.Fact - A lot of people these days, are stepping into or running into Palatine Police cars, while on patrol, hummmmm.

Fact - A lot of people have accidents or receive injuries, in the Palatine Police station or around a Palatine cop, in the saloon or on patrol, hummmmm.

Fact - A lot of people seem to confess to crimes they have not done in the Palatine Police station or around a Palatine cop, hummmmm.

Fact - Palatine cops lie on the witness stand, provide courts with false documents, hummmmm.

Fact - Schwantz kicked off his mayor campaign, at the bar, known to be a police hang out, I personally advised him not to (through his father), maybe he was having such a good time, is the reason, he ran a bar tab,hummmmm.

Sound factual to me - He could care less if any one was intoxicated when they drove home, nor the bar.

Probably factual - Just like these 2 times a Palatine cop mauls down a resident at 2 or 3 in the morning, I don't think Schwantz or most any one, could care less one way or the other.

Maybe factual - Maybe the guy was drinking at the bar on village property?hummmmm.

Seem like a fact - It is obvious, it seems nobody but me, care what a person does, when he or she leaves, the bar, as to public safety.

I wonder if one or more village council members cleaned up this crime scene (as in the past)? hummmmm

Another state awarded top DUI cop, mauls down a citizen? hummmmm

A lot of us have been to court and listen to the assistant states attorney tell us how highly trained, observant, skilled, professional, certified, thorough, police are and it amazes me at the number of corrupt, incomptent cops .

palatine, one minute a human being, next minute a vetgetable

. Injured pedestrian upgraded:
Nicholas Pieri, the 29-year-old Palatine man hit by a Palatine police squad car early Saturday, has been upgraded from critical to serious condition, a spokeswoman for Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge said Thursday. The Buffalo Grove Police Department is conducting part of the investigation, which Police Cmdr. Steve Husak hopes to turn over to Palatine police within a few days. He said Buffalo Grove authorities investigated the accident scene, while Palatine authorities focused on interviewing the police officer and victim. .

Palatine voted 2 new people in, and it's the same ole crap.

Great to be a council member, who can not gaurentee for one minute that a cop will not maul over a resident on patrol, extract a false confession from some one (I guess by torture means, how else do you do it?), tell the truth, make a false report, nor be held accountable to the same standard as the rest of us.

Schwantz & council, makes no sense. fraternal order of police, investigating, fraternal order of police?

.Another way to legally obstruct justice.

. Fraternal order of police, investigating fraternal order of police, a union investigating it's self hummmmm..... a teamster ratting on another brother? ..... don't think so, not in a million years (I would suspect a "in house clean up, type of thing, of some sort"). Hummmmm..... Grand lodge of the FOP (do they ware hats like Fred Flinston?).

.This is the same as having Palatine cops, (that have a history of court approved, ling and false documents) investigate them self's. Just another false document, would you expect any thing else? The brother hood from Arlington Hts, Buffalo Grove, investigating the brother hood of Palatine, one lodge, investigation another. Cops from the same locale investigating them self's.

I herd pention are great.

The village council, Schwantz, approve, go along, don't care, who cares, of the cops giving perjured testimony, false documents, torture, false confessions, hallucinating on the job, mauling over people, so naturally, of course, they would approve of in house investigationn, after all, there is a history of not liking and squashing investigations by others.

This tells you what the mayor, council members, and the others I blog about, are really like, what they are made of, their fiber. Look at em, they don't know who is ling to who, what secret deals who made with who, what the other isscheming on, what crimes the other guy is covering up. Who's going to back stab who.

Alveraz is crooked as the rest, but worse, for 1, letting, aiding and supervising, her own team, judiciary and law enforcement to break the law. I have provided here with all the evidence to arrest and convict, many people. She just aids, conceals, and ignores. This makes her a criminal. ditto for LisaMadigan. Their conduct, is a disgrace in almost every country in the world. These are people with no rule of law, a lack of ethics, cannon, no respect for the oath, they swore to uphold, the law bar, no moral principles, 2 faced, self serving criminals, I do not think is a good thing. 2 Queen capo's, obstruction of justice and organized crime.

If a cop ran over, mauled down, one of the village council family members, turned them into a vegetable, perhaps a independent investigation would take place, heads would roll. But if the village council has no respect for you or me, why would they care about family members?

Hummmmm, I got a call from Dugan's hall the other day, Maybe it was Bob,I'm sure if he wants to find me he will, quicker than lickity split.

A cop, member, of the fraternal order of police, intentionally lies to a judges face, makes a false report, with no repercussions, no worries. He has a union, FOP, village, D.A., judge, to back him. Then goes across the hall and does the same with another judge, Then goes down stairs and does it in front of another judge. I seem to be the only one complaining. Maybe if others could, they would.

Before the cop gives testimony to the courts, the assistant states attorney, often, praises the cop, goes through a list of his high qualifications, certificates, training, education, skills for his professionalism, training, continuing education, observation skills, bla, bla, bla, kind of be-littles the person that was arrested, deal making, plead guilty, to another lessor crime. That's just another kick in the face, especially if the assistant states attorney know the cop is not telling the truth. So here we have 2 residents in town that were mauled over, by one or two of these highly trained and obsverent people, investigated by a fellow teamster, fellow FOP member, hummmmm, kind of makes a person wounder.....

What's a union brother going to do, rat out, another brother?

What's the D.A. or assistant D.A. going to do, rat out another D.A.?

What's the judge going to rat out another judge?

What's a law bar governor going to do, rat out the judge who is president of the law bar?

What's the mayors brother going to do, rat out mayor?

Every one wants a piece of the pie and what pie is that, the power and pleasure twist and mangle our society, do as they please, when they want, how they want?

I mean what the heck, I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, a dirty cop, has, support from the entire community, state, courts, Anita Alvarez, attorney general Lisa Madigan, every law professor, law teacher, law school facilitymember in the stat of Illinois, approves of the criminal actions, I blog about (no one has said a thing), as far as I am concerned. every senator and the president of the United States, don't seem concerned also (I have to admit, I have more respect for the president, after making a personal thought about that Cambridge matter). That action, 100% is exactly what we have right here, all the way down to the cop, and chief, says they did nothing wrong (I explained the racial profiling, I have seen, here in the burbs, some place, I'm sure). the fraternal order of police, has a statement

Improper "conduct", just a ancient word, Webster is probably going to take out of the dictionary, along with a bunch of other words that seem to mean little to many (all related to law, justice, ethics, moral value).

A citizen have no rights. (that is what the cop said in court, I can agree with him on that)

I think there should be a independent investigation just to remove any doubt of any thing inappropriate.

. .Better Government Association
9304 N Francisco
Chicago, IL 60659

773-878-1002. .

There are other people, agencies, organizations, besides the union investigating a union.

I just found this article about police and "steroids". This could explain some things, but it don't explain, why the village council has not addressed this matter, in the past?

I would think Schwantz has herd of "steroids" in the past.

Palatine with Bud, promotes master plan of serving, 2,500 shots, beer, mixed drinks per hour



Palatine, Illinois - The world famous Budweiser Clydesdales, the symbol of quality and tradition for Anheuser-Busch since 1933, are scheduled to make several appearances in Downtown Palatine on Thursday, July 30.

The eight-horse Hitch will begin its product delivery tour of Downtown Palatine at Lamplighter Inn Tavern & Grille (60 N Bothwell St) at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 30th. The "Gentle Giants," as they are often referred to, will continue to POPs Bar and Grill (19 N Bothwell St), Office Pub (110 W Slade St), American Legion Palatine Post 690 (122 W Palatine Rd), and completes its journey at Durty Nellies Pub, (180 N. Smith Street). At Durty Nellies, the Budweiser Clydesdales will be available for photos until 6:00 p.m. .

hummmmm..... Starts at mayor Schwantz's kick off bar, ends at Schwantz's celebration bar

.In this Promotion and any, was any thing done to address alcoholism, drive sober, what do residents do after they have drank 25,000 drinks and they're still sitting at the bar, how to get home safely?

Is the village council, the bar owner, property owner, bar servers, a accessory to what ever crime is committed after assisting in the administration of a deadly drug, that was the direct cause and effect? Why does this have to be a testing ground to new law suites? new crimes? new lack of responsibility? new crimes against humanity?.

Ried Ottesen, another criminal, Village manager, personally approves of police misconduct, obstruction of justice, perjury, false documents, cover ups

. and I thought he was the mostcredible, wrong again.

He personally approve of the cop that lied under oath, presented false documents, and that was higher than a kite, on drugs, flipping out hallucinating in my case, at my arrest.

He personally approves of Bratchers methods of extracting false confessions from innocent people.

A village manager that has no problem and supports, lies, false documents, cover ups is a bad village manager.

Another shell of a man with no shame, noconscious, no guilt, no moral fiber, so rooted in corruption, sees no wrong. I guess wikipediadefinitions mean something to different to him. Another mistake, I made, giving a person more credit than due.

What is Ottesen's take? We all know what and who bought Cassedy.

The only thing I will give Ottesen is, that if he don't play ball their way, he'll get fired, so maybe he is trying to make the best out of a rotten situation, no matter how you look at it. Between a rock and a hard spot, but, in another sense, he made his bed, and not he must lay in it. No one twisted his arm.

As I reviewed the city code, there are, penelity limits for certain stuff, but, I think the state or fed may choose to differ.

With the mayor on board, this is a village out of control, just a changing of the guard, (jury still out on Del Mar).

I guess there is, or could be, a RICO folder with his name on it.
. Sec. 13-2. Appointment and removal of the chief of police.
The chief of police shall be appointed by the village manager with the approval by a majority vote of the Corporate
Authorities.. The person appointed as chief of police must have achieved a baccalaureate degree from an
accredited college or university prior to the date of appointment. The chief of police shall serve at the pleasure of
the village manager and may be removed by the village manager at any time thereafter. (Ord. No. O-108-76. §1,12-13-76; Ord. No. O-4-86, §1, 1-13-86) (Ord. No. 0-16-02 §4, 1/28/02)

Sec. 13-3. Supervision and control of the chief of police.
The village manager shall be the immediate supervisor of the chief of police, and all policies, directives and orders
from the village to the chief of police shall be made by or transmitted through the village manager. The chief of
police shall report directly to the village manager and not to the Mayor and Village Council or to individual
members thereof. (Ord. No. O-108-76, §1, 12-13-76) (Ord. No. 0-16-02 §4, 1/28/02)

Sec. 13-4. Powers and duties of the police chief generally.
The chief of police shall direct the administration and operation of the police department and in addition to policies
transmitted to him by the village manager, shall establish such other policies, directives, rules and regulations for
the administration and operation of the department as he sees fit, and provided in written form to all employees.
The chief of police shall have the authority and responsibility for fiscal management of the police department
within the fiscal policies and procedures established by the village manager and Corporate Authorities. The chief
of police shall serve as appointing authority for appointment to any position within the department other than his.

Schwantz is a crimial along with the rest of the council, accessory, obstruction of justice, criminal conspericy, are the dirty cops, worth it?

I would like action taken on the following;

Not limited to; corruption, obstruction, perjury, aiding and abetting, accessory, conspiracy.

That involves Jim Tatooles and possibly his brother (John Tatooles) and the Inverness village board.

That involves, but not limited to; Judge Scotillo, defense lawyers 1 - 4, assistant states attorney Chandra, Andre. Palatine police officer Wenrich, Hunter, rookie on duty at the time of case number 04-c3-30337, and Baker,lets not forget Baker, shift commander, police chief, Palatine Mayor, and Village Board, 1 retired supreme court justice, and appellate judges jj, o'malley, tully, pj, mcnulty.

Just about every other person I came across is protecting Wenrich, the list is longer than you can shake a fist at, I know who they are. I Can go much further. See blogs.

The only thing I wanted was the truth told especially, in a court of law, No body I contacted seems interested or seems to care. I care about the truth.

I would suggest some one let scotillo know about this blog with his name on it (if he has not seen it already). He might be a little up set, at me....the only guy that did not lie to his face, in his court or the only guy that has balls to stand up for what his court room is suppose to represent and lacking there of.

Now you all can come and hunt me down.

does Schwantz and council have a preferred method of torture?

How do you extract a false confession from a Innocent person? (down below, I posted a bunch of questions)

Palatine pays its cops money to do this,

worse, I would bet the chiefs son, Steve Bratcher, has lived to torture another person, another day.

Dick Devine's office shredded a confession by another person, but used this confession by means of torture (right there in court documents)

This is a crime against humanity, this is a war crime.

I don't know what is worse:

this torture, extracting false confessions
or shredding another confession
or a cop mauling down a few residents,
or Baker taking discount for cash payments,
or top state awarded DUI cop - Wenrich hallucinating on the job,
or another top state awarded DUI cop - Hunter not noticing a thing,
or Wenrich's perjured testimony,
or Wenrich's false documents to the court,
or Tatooles, covering this up for Mullins,
or Mullins covering up for Bratcher
or Bratcher blackmailing Tatooles because of this cover up,
or Haas just sitting around making sure all goes OK,
or Village council approval
or mayor approval
or another village council approval
or another mayor's approval
or judicial approval
or Cook County D.A's approval humHappened on Daily's, Devine'swatch, now it's Alvarez watch
or Attorney General Lisa Madigan approval
or Gov Quinn's approval

There is a major problem here, I think there are more criminals in the courts, law enforcement and elected to office, than on the street. You tell me Who's involvement is more criminal than the palatine police chiefs kid and the cops that helped and cleaned up the mess. Maybe Jack and that other council man cleaned up the mess after the torture (re;cleaned up the chicken mess, as a side deal with Chief Bracher).

What good are the cops?

Schwantz as a mayor, father, resident, church going member, x-NFL player,seems to have no problem if; a couple of his cops while on patrol arehallucinating, flipping, out of their minds, while another cop shakes down amotorist, while another cop is in the court house ling like a rug, another cop making out a false report, or another cop mauls down a citizen or 2, while, the village pays $4.6 million over market value to a unnamed person, for a peace of property, who his city council is taking bribes from and how much. Down Town Palatine is set up to serve 2,500 drinks per hour, so at any point in time, there could be 2,500 intoxicated motorist leaving down town. Palatine financial structure relies on Hummels banks, If you don't give Hummel the compensation he wants (exclusive deals), he may, pull the credit rating, bond coverage and tighten up credit for the village and the employees that have taken advantage of opportunities. The ole saying, don't slap the hand that feeds you. This don't sound good to me.

Chiefs kid tortures innocent persons and gets paid for it

How can Schwantz be apart of this?


How about if his buddies in the police department extracted a false confession from the mayor?

Let us watch as the police chiefs kid make Schwantz confess to a home invasion, across town.

Its legal. also has approval of Alvarez, Madigan, Burris andDevine

Is Schwantz such a idiot, he has no idea what human rights are?

To me, Mayor Schwantz seems to be a, war criminal, to participate, pay, employ, cover up, to have knowledge, of police extracting false confessions from innocent people

Maybe get the Chicago cops to help.

Schwantz has no problem with a cop that lies to his face, if the fire department provided false documents, a cop obstructs justice, covers up, bribery, extortion, blackmail, and he goes to church? Maybe with the rest, they all might sit together.

I don't think he is a pillar of good things in the community. It is amazing how this guy can stay in office, out of jail......hummmmm..... called the good ole boys. .